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- R&B, Featured, In My Feelings, Melodic Trap, New Beats6lackExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, R&B, Melodic TrapE♭mAnxious, Dark, GloomySynth, 808It's either right or wrong and there's no in between
- Featured, New Beats, Rap & Hip-Hop, Story Tellingslim thug, soulful, southern, texasExclusiveMoodyRap, Southern RapEm144Chill, Confident, Determined, Neutral, SoulfulBass guitar, Electric Guitar, Electric Piano, Piano, Strings, Trombone, Trumpet, 808On the block I be Swangin, my God be steady[...]
- Melodic Trap, Featured, In My Feelings, New Beats, R&BHunxho Type Beat, Trap Ballad BeatExclusiveMoodyR&B, Melodic TrapB♭m100Adored, Giddy, Happy, Inspiring, Loved, Romantic, UpliftingAcoustic guitar, Electric Piano, Percussion, Synth, 808... because not everything important in the world is meant[...]
- Melodic Trap, Featured, In My Feelings, New Beats, Rap & Hip-Hop, Story TellingBigXThaPlug Type, Scarface, Texas RapExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, Trap, Melodic Trap, Jazzy Hip-HopCmCalm, Chill, Disappointed, Dramatic, SadBrass, Electric Guitar, Electric Piano, Piano, Saxophone, Strings, 808Like, I hear what ur saying, but not happening -[...]
- Jesus always the answer but do they know the question?
- Featured, Melodic Trap, New Beats, Rap & Hip-Hop6lack type beat, bryson tiller type beat, future type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, Hip-Hop, R&B, Trap, Melodic Trap, Trap SoulCm138Calm, Confident, Energetic, Intense, Sexy, UpliftingElectric Piano, Organ, Percussion, Synth, 808Dark trap r&b vibe but don't gotta be
- New Beats, Rap & Hip-HopCommon, Old SchoolExclusiveMoodyB♭M75Energetic, Happy, Relaxed, SoulfulBrass, Electric PianoIf you been invited, you already know
- My Picks, Rap & Hip-Hopmegan thee stallionExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, Pop / Hip HopCm128Bouncy, Energetic, Flirty, SexyBrass, Percussion, 808Just need bread and peanut butter
- My Picks, Rap & Hip-Hop, Story Tellingj cole type beat, kanye west type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyCM144Inspiring, Powerful, Rebellious, UpliftingOrgan, Percussion, Vocals, 808It will cost you but 100% worth it in the[...]
- In My Feelings, Melodic Trap, Story Telling6lack type beat, bryson tiller type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, R&B, Trap, Trap SoulEm104Dark, EnragedBass guitar, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Synth, 808All starts with the battle within
- New Beats, Rap & Hip-Hopdrake type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, Pop Rap, Trap, RapCmAccomplished, Confident, Determined, NeutralPercussion, Vocals, 808Bless those who curse you, so Achoo, God Bless you.[...]
- Rap & Hip-Hop, In My Feelings, New Beats, Story Tellingj cole type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, East Coast, Hip-HopAm95Chill, Determined, Lonely, Soulful, IntrospectiveElectric Piano, Piano, Vocals, 808Don't downplay small minor moves to be better
- R&B, In My Feelings, New Beats, Rap & Hip-Hopj cole type beatExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, Alt R&B, Hip-Hop, Neo Soul, Pop / Hip Hop, Pop Rap, R&B, Jazzy Hip-HopDMBouncy, Giddy, Happy, Peaceful, UpliftingBass guitar, Electric Piano, Synth, Vocals, 808Let your let shine, but it's not so people praise[...]
- Featured, In My Feelings, Melodic Trap, New Beats, R&BHunxho Type BeatPremium, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, Contemporary R&B, R&B, Melodic TrapBM, EM132Exciting, Flirty, Relaxed, Romantic, SexyElectric Piano, Percussion, Piano, Synth, 808Song of Solomon level. Time to go to bed, kids.
- Melodic Trap, New Beats, Story Tellingfuture type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, Gangsta Rap, TrapEm132Anxious, Dark, Evil, Intense, Rebellious, Scary, TenseElectric Piano, Piano, Vocals, 808The sifting been here. U ready?
- Playlists, In My Feelings, R&BBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, Alt R&B, Pop Rap, R&B, Jazzy Hip-HopE♭M144Adored, Calm, Chill, Energetic, Giddy, Happy, Loved, Romantic, UpliftingBrass, Electric Guitar, Electric Piano, Synth, Vocals, 808God is Love, and He in us... so What About[...]
- Melodic Trap, In My Feelings, R&B6lack type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, Pop / R&B, Trap, Melodic TrapCmDisappointed, Lonely, Romantic, Sad, SoulfulElectric Piano, Piano, Strings, Synth, VocalsI hate that I caused you hurt. I was wrong.
- Melodic Trap, In My Feelings, R&B, Story TellingHunxho Type BeatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, Alt R&B, Chill, R&B, Trap, Melodic Trap, Trap SoulBM144Exciting, Loved, RomanticElectric Piano, Strings, Vocals, 808Cupid done shot me and I'm not sure how I[...]
- Rap & Hip-Hopfuture type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, Hip-Hop, TrapFM120Accomplished, Calm, Chill, Dark, Disappointed, Gloomy, LonelyBrass, Electric Guitar, Electric Piano, Synth, 808Been there done that, awwreaddy dunnit
- In My Feelings, My Picksdrake type beat, Emotional Beat, future type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, Hip-Hop, R&BF♯m140Calm, Grateful, Lonely, Mellow, RelaxedElectric Piano, Piano, Synth, Vocals, 808His Love is always there. *NOT AVAILABLE*
- Melodic Trap, Rap & Hip-Hop6lack type beat, bryson tiller type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, R&B, Trap SoulCm87Dark, Determined, Gloomy, Neutral, RelaxedElectric Piano, Percussion, Synth, Vocals, 808Drip Drip Dream Dream
- Rap & Hip-Hopdrake type beat, future type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, TrapFm138Angry, Confident, Dark, Determined, Dirty, NoneClavinet, Percussion, Vocals, 808You can keep the mule now. Tuned 808 with layered[...]
- Rap & Hip-Hopfuture type beat, kendrick lamar type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveElectric Guitar, Synth, 808122MoodyHip-Hop, TrapCMAngry, Confident, Determined, Powerful, TenseThey told me you is but I didn't want to[...]
- Melodic Trapfuture type beat, gunna type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, Alt R&B, Hip-Hop, Trap, Trap SoulC♯m124Anxious, Dark, Depressed, Lonely, ScaredSynth, Vocals, 808Sometimes just be free fallin but I know God always[...]
- In My Feelings, R&Bburna boy type beat, future type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, Pop / Hip Hop, Pop / R&B, Pop RapFm128Calm, Chill, Energetic, Happy, None, UpliftingElectric Piano, Percussion, Piano, SynthI'm sensing some frustration in your voice
- Rap & Hip-Hop, Story Tellingfuture type beat, gunna type beat, travis scott type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, TrapCM146Dark, DirtyElectric Guitar, Organ, Percussion, Synth, 808The thing about being lost is you can be found.
- My Picks, Rap & Hip-Hopdrake type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, Pop RapFm128Accomplished, Confident, Determined, Energetic, RebelliousOrgan, Vocals"We got to pray just to make it today" - MC[...]
- In My Feelings, Rap & Hip-Hopfuture type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, Pop / Hip HopCM85Confident, Energetic, Quirky, RelaxedElectric Piano, Percussion, Piano, Synthnot saying we woulda been but we coulda been
- Featured, My Picks, R&Bty dolla $ign type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, R&BFm117Bouncy, Calm, Chill, SoulfulBass guitar, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Piano, Synth, VocalsGot my cuban chain hangin when I walk it be[...]
- Melodic Trap6lack type beat, bryson tiller type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyTrap SoulDm87Accomplished, Calm, Determined, Lonely, NeutralElectric Piano, Strings, Synth, 808Starlight, star bright, it gonna be lit tonite
- Rap & Hip-Hopfuture type beat, gunna type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, TrapCm137Confident, Dark, Depressed, Dirty, Intense, Rebellious, TenseElectric Guitar, Synth, Vocals, 808Like it or not, that's what it is
- Rap & Hip-Hopfuture type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyCm136Angry, Determined, Energetic, Enraged, IntenseBrass, Percussion, Synth, Trumpet, 808, BellBells, brass and 808s make the expectation clearly known.
- In My Feelings, Melodic Trap, My Picks6lack type beat, jhene aiko tye beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, Hip-Hop, Trap SoulE♭m70Flirty, Mellow, Relaxed, Soulful, SexyElectric Piano, Synth, Vocals, 808minor chords and gliding subs to create a feeling of[...]
- In My Feelingsdrake type beat, future type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, Pop / Hip Hop, TrapE♭m77Flirty, Inspiring, UpliftingElectric Piano, Percussion, Synth, 808Not even busted 808s gonna stop the love we share
- Rap & Hip-Hop6lack type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, Alt R&B, Hip-Hop, R&B, Trap138Bouncy, Determined, FlirtyBrass, Flute, Percussion, Synth, 808yeah ok, sure thing. I'll get right on that
- Rap & Hip-Hopjay z type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, Boom BapCM95Accomplished, Bouncy, EnergeticBass guitar, Brass, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Trombone, TrumpetPulled this out of my bag
- Melodic Trap6lack type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, Alt R&B, Hip-Hop, R&B, Trap144Determined, EnergeticElectric Guitar, Electric Piano, Organ, Percussion, VocalsCake-layered Trap R&B beat covered in minor keys and synth[...]
- R&Bty dolla $ign type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, Alt R&B, Hip-Hop, Pop / R&B, Pop Rap, R&B, West CoastC♯m132Calm, Chill, Energetic, Happy, Sexy, UpliftingBrass, Electric Piano, Percussion, SynthFunky, west-coast R&B beat. Who care, Felicia
- In My Feelings, Melodic Trap6lack type beat, bryson tiller type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, R&B, Trap SoulFm124Calm, Confident, Mellow, RelaxedElectric Guitar, SynthWe might go through some rainy days but we gonna[...]
- Rap & Hip-Hopfuture type beat, gunna type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, TrapF♯m124Accomplished, Energetic, RebelliousBrass, Piano, Vocals, 808I mean, I know it takes two to tango and[...]
- Rap & Hip-Hopdrake type beat, j cole type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-HopEm120Annoyed, Confident, QuirkyOrgan, Synth, Vocals, 808When craziness all around but you got peace
- Melodic Trap6lack type beat, bryson tiller type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, R&B, Trap SoulA♯m140Anxious, Determined, Dramatic, RebelliousElectric Piano, Synth, 808, BellSlow down if u wanna finish the race
- Rap & Hip-Hopfuture type beat, gunna type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, TrapA♭m117Confident, Dark, Rebellious, TenseElectric Piano, Synth, 808, Bellur eating ice cream when things turn sketchy
- My Picks, Story TellingExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, Hip-Hop, TrapB♭m4142Dark, Evil, Scary, TenseElectric Piano, Percussion, Synth, Vocals, 808"Those who've been forgiven a lot, love the most" -[...]
- In My Feelings, Melodic Trap6lack type beat, bryson tiller type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, Hip-Hop, R&B, Trap, Trap SoulCm144Anxious, Lonely, MellowElectric Piano, Organ, Synth, VocalsOpen rebuke is better than secret love
- Rap & Hip-Hopjay z type beat, pharoahe monch type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, BluesAm136Energetic, SoulfulBass guitar, Electric Guitar, Organ, Percussion, PianoBlues-inspired hip-hop track
- Melodic Trap6lack type beat, ty dolla $ign type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, Pop / R&B, R&B, Trap SoulBm74Bouncy, Calm, Confident, Rebellious, TenseBrass, Electric Guitar, Percussion, SynthYeah ok, we'll see about that. watch me
- Melodic Trap6lack type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt Hip-Hop, Alt R&B, Hip-Hop, R&B, TrapAm144Calm, Determined, Dramatic, TenseAcoustic guitar, Brass, Percussion, Vocalskinda hard looking past all these broken promises
- In My Feelings, Melodic Trap, My Picks, Story Tellingfuture type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyHip-Hop, TrapCm79Determined, EpicPercussion, Strings, Violin, 808You have no idea where I was headed... BUT GOD
- In My Feelings, R&Bty dolla $ign type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAlt R&B, Pop / R&B, R&BG♯m78Grateful, Sexy, UpliftingElectric Guitar, Percussion, Stringsneo-soul-esque beat with strings and a cool guitar breeze.
- Featured, R&B, Rap & Hip-Hopburna boy type beat, drake type beatBasic, Standard, Premium, Unlimited, ExclusiveMoodyAfropop, Alt Hip-Hop, Alt R&B, Electronic DanceD♯m128Chill, Energetic, Happy, Sexy, UpliftingElectric Piano, Percussion, Synth, 808Come sail away with me and feel the ocean breeze